Social Security Analysis

  • Information Form: It appears after you select CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED below. One for each member of a couple. It comes directly to me when you hit SEND.
  • Your Social Security Statement(s): Click here to log in to the SSA website or open in your browser. Sign in or create a “My Social Security” account to access your statement. SS Statement Example
  • Complete Earnings History: Also located in your “My Social Security” account. Scroll down to “EARNINGS-Your full earnings record now”. You will see each year of your earnings broken out separately. Earnings Record Example
  • Please mail or scan and email the Statement(s) and Earnings History. 
  • I will acknowledge receipt of your Form, Social Security Statement, and Earnings Record when received.

NOTE: There is no personal or ID information on your printed Social Security Statement or Full Earnings Record.

Get Started by filling out this form

Fill out the form and it will be sent to Dennis to get the Analysis started.

Retirement Analysis Explanation

This is a detailed personal review of clients’ options as they approach retirement age. It is specific to the individual or couples involved and reveals what benefits will be available and when, so it can be incorporated into their portfolio and financial plans. While this analysis can be provided at age 62 through 66, it is usually best to have the information prior to age 62 (age 60 widow/er) to utilize all possible options.

The analysis provides the following information:

Retirement benefit options available at ages 62 through 70.
What income affects Social Security benefits and when.
How spousal benefits are figured if the client is also eligible for retirement on own account.
Explanation of break even points if benefits are taken at age 62, age 66 (full retirement age) or age 70.
Delayed retirement credits (DRCs) and voluntary suspension.
How special wage payments (deferred income, vacation pay, sick pay, stock options, etc.) affect retirement benefits.
Guidance for self-employed or Corporate Officers on how SSA determines eligibility for retirement benefits.
How the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset affect retirement, spousal, and widow(er) benefits.
Widow(er) benefits and the choices available to widow(er) when utilizing DRCs.
Medicare Part A, B, D, Medigap coverage, and the enrollment periods.
The information is specific to the client’s particular financial situation so they can make informed decisions.
In addition, clients have an open door to contact me any time in the future for guidance BEFORE dealing with the Social Security Administration so they can confidently navigate the Social Security system.