Resides in Loveland, Ohio
Graduate of Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio
Two Years – U. S. Army Ft. Bliss, Texas
Social Security Administration
Claims Representative (5 years) – A public contact position that involved interviewing the public on a daily basis. This was a decision making position applying the Social Security Law to claims for retirement, survivor, disability, and Medicare benefits. Nominated for the Greater Cincinnati Federal Employee of the Year in 1975 and 1976.
Operations Supervisor (23 years) – Monitored, trained, and directed claims representatives and support staff in the Cincinnati-North Social Security office. Served as liaison to Congressional offices assisting constituents with their Social Security issues.
Office Manager (2 years) – for a disability law firm that represented individuals at the third level appeal stage (Hearing) for Social Security disability benefits. Worked with an attorney and two paralegals controlling the preparation of disability cases for court. Managed the case workflow, law firm budget, and receipt of fees from clients and Social Security.
President of Social Security Solutions LLC (2005-present) – Provides direction, assistance, and information to financial advisers and their clients concerning Social Security retirement strategies, as well as survivor, disability, and Medicare issues. Services include pre-retirement Social Security analysis for individuals and couples; assisting individuals filing online claims for retirement, disability, and Medicare; conducting Social Security strategy presentations for financial advisors and their clients.
Interests include golf, Xavier/UC basketball, Reds baseball, and spending time with family/friends.